Ideas for next seasons

  • Screeps Dune:

    harvesting sources heavily (in owned room or remote) is annoying the EnergyWorm(s) of a sector that after crossing minor threshold send their invader minions to wreck havoc. If major threshold is crossed, after some short (1-2k ticks) warning, EnergyWorm(s) show up in owned room in sector that has mined the most energy.

    Every sector can have between 1-x EnergyWorms and after killing a worm there's grace period of X ticks in sector that no EnergyWorm/invader spawns and harvesting sources does not progress spawn-a-worm counter.

    EnergyWorm could have:

    • 100-500 boosted bodyparts (so it's proper room-destroyer level and lot's of HP)
    • ~10k TTL
    • takes 10% of nuke damage (so there's no way to 'farm' them with nukes)
    • worm destroys all structures, attacks creeps, and causes attackController every 1k ticks
    • worm does not care about safe-mode

    Score for every worm killed in room You own/reserved The one to destroy most of the worms in his rooms wins


    Every room has maximum of 2 joined rooms thus forming a one-way-in, one-way-out tunnel-like rooms so in order to expand / reach highways / reach SK rooms going through someone else room would be mandatory (either with force or diplomacy)

  • Each Sector starts with 4 players randomly placed in corner rooms. A large sector is made up of 4 sectors, 16 people.

    Can't leave your sector /or enter another( can then use highways still to get around their sector) sector until you are the only one left alive in your sector. Other players who get killed in sectors respawn with other players randomly again( new sector not opened till 16 players are in que so doesn’t give anyone advantage) with now a maybe less dangerous neighbor as all these have been vanquished.

    The 'winner' of the sector is now free to invade the other 3 sectors of the big sector, hopefully this will put similar skilled players together after a bit shuffling. This could be done by opening 3 portals in the centre room which leads to other sectors.

    4 Big sectors could be combined to then find the winner etc if there's time but not needed as overall winner could be decided by score.

    Scoring could be done by holding corner rooms of each sector, maybe having them claimed will allow a ticking score to accumulate. It would be important to then conquer the corner rooms of your sector and then the others as quickly as you could as this will increase your overall score. Corner rooms cannot be occupied, only claimed but maybe you could have some sore of booster building that you fed with a resource to increase base score.

    Also best to stay alive in your first sector as you are accumulating score, if you purposefully respawn you could be waiting in a que for a time and not scoring. Others could harass your corner rooms and kill claimer that would stop you accumulating score and would thus need guarding. I would imagine that the rooms bordering the central room with the portal(cant build in portal room) would have defensive measures built ideally to stop others portalling in and rushing to unclaim/claim your corner rooms, lots fights would happen in the centre of the sectors.

  • @gadjung said in Ideas for Season #2:


    Every room has maximum of 2 joined rooms thus forming a one-way-in, one-way-out tunnel-like rooms so in order to expand / reach highways / reach SK rooms going through someone else room would be mandatory (either with force or diplomacy)

    Oh, i like this. Should be really simple to do and change the general dynamic up a good bit.

    An idea that came to mind was a War for the Underworld (was it?) kinda season, where we have to dig out the rooms.
    So basically all (or most) of the plain tiles are filled with constructed walls and paths to points of interest have to be dug out by dismantling the walls there. A random number could be 10k hits on them by default and maybe more/less around certain objects (e.g. 100k at range 1 to controllers, 50k around exits etc.), possibly leaving out certain other spots - like around the sources.
    Placing one's initial spawn on constructed walls would have to be enabled and successful placement should probably remove walls on the selected tile and the 8 surrounding tiles, but other than that it should be fairly easy to implement.

    Not sure if this would be enough for a whole season by itself, but it could be a mechanic at least.