Access keys and CPU unlocks
I would like to propose a system for the seasonal screeps. Instead of paying 5 access keys up front, maybe do 1 access key to join, then spend CPU unlock each day.
Lower cost of entry makes it so more people will want to play, and more accessible. Creates a drain for CPU Unlocks for higher level players, and a use for for unlocks for people with lifetime subs.
Edit: I would like to point out for newbies or players that are new, it would be dissapointting to spend 5 access keys and die the first day. At least with this they spend 1 access and 1 cpu unlock, if they lose it's easy to farm again and try next time.
Edit: Changed all the 10 to 5 access keys.
I guess for current tokens they'd have to away everyone
Math.ceil(currentTokens / 10)
"new" tokens as people have paid for these.