Need help: CPU bucket is empty even if I should have 20 cpu

  • Hi, hope someone can help me figure this out:

    I constantly see CPU bucket is empty error in the console every 3rd or 4th tick. I got Steam version of the game when it was an early preview from Indiegogo campaign. I don't have active subscription, but from the CPU docs I supposed to have 20 free CPU limit. When I go to re-assign CPU page, I see every shard has 0 CPU. I play on Shard 0, my GCL is 14, I have 3 active rooms.

    Here is the debug code and the output. You can see that every tick I don't consume much CPU, but CPU bucket is constantly drained and eventually reset with one tick skipped/terminated. Can you please help me understand what am I missing or is it a bug? Thank you in advance!

        console.log("Game.cpu.getUsed " + Game.cpu.getUsed());
        console.log("Game.cpu.limit " + Game.cpu.limit);
        console.log("Game.cpu.tickLimit " + Game.cpu.tickLimit);
        console.log("Game.cpu.bucket " + Game.cpu.bucket);
    [7:18:02 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.getUsed 8.056794500000024
    [7:18:02 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.limit 0
    [7:18:02 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.tickLimit 22
    [7:18:02 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.bucket 22
    [7:18:07 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.getUsed 9.23655969999993
    [7:18:07 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.limit 0
    [7:18:07 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.tickLimit 13
    [7:18:07 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.bucket 13
    [7:18:12 PM] [shard0]Avg CPU for the last 100 ticks: 5.782420382000859
    [7:18:12 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.getUsed 7.626971200000071
    [7:18:12 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.limit 0
    [7:18:12 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.tickLimit 3
    [7:18:12 PM] [shard0]Game.cpu.bucket 3
    [7:18:17 PM] [shard0]Script execution has been terminated: CPU bucket is empty

  • Dev Team

    @jk_xp it should be fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Amazing! thanks for the quick fix!