Operate Link

  • Having an operate link that will decrease the cooldown of links and/or enable use with minerals. Maybe also at a cost of increasing energy lost. Or it can increase the amount that is stored/transfered from 800 to 1600;

    Reasons against is:

    How useful it would be?

    It would create just one single best solution: put them strictly at the room edge and operate it.

    May cut off the part of gameplay about auto placing links.

    Possible Uses:

    Used for SK rooms that have high energy output that Links can't keep up with.

    Used for upgrading controller, and in conjunction with Operate Controller.

    Used with renew_source, currently if two links are greater than 30 distance you cannot transfer 8000 energy in 300 ticks. Math: Lv 5 Renew_source provides 250 energy per 15 ticks, 3000 base with 300 tick regeneration, so max energy in a 300 tick cycle is 8000 ((300/15)*250+3000) energy. To transfer 8000 energy you need to transfer 10 times(8000/800). Link cooldown is based of of distance, so if a link to link transfer is greater than 30 units then it cannot transfer all energy from a lv 5 renew source.

    Some tibits - Using a link has some extra hidden intent costs - transfer to Link, Link to Link, withdraw from Link, transfer to storage. That is 4 Intents to transfer 800 energy.

    The Player that has the highest Energy Harvested only uses links for non-remote sources.