Steam PTR build missing CLI?
When updating to the PTR build in the steam client on Windows 10 the CLI is missing. Reverting to the actual version and the CLI is again available. I also tested to disable all mods and have the same issue whenever the ptr build is active. The server runs as normal and executes the scripts ingame. As far as i can tell only the CLI is missing.
The CLI interface shows a black screen, also the list of processes is missing:
Backend.log:Loading mods from "F:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Screeps\server\modsy.json"
- F:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Screeps\server\node_modules\screepsmod-mongo\index.js
- F:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Screeps\server\node_modules\screepsmod-tickrate\index.js
- F:\STEAM\steamapps\common\Screeps\server\node_modules\screepsmod-welcome\welcome-text.js the options [uri] is not supported Starting CLI server STEAM_KEY environment variable is not found, trying to connect to local Steam client Starting game server (protocol version 13) SockJS v0.3.18 bound to "/socket" Game server listening on CLI listening on localhost:21026 Running cronjob 'sendNotifications' Running cronjob 'roomsForceUpdate' Running cronjob 'genPowerBanks' Running cronjob 'genInvaders' Running cronjob 'purgeTransactions' Running cronjob 'recreateNpcOrders' Running cronjob 'calcMarketStats' Running cronjob 'deletePowerCreeps' Running cronjob 'roomsForceUpdate'
I noticed this as well when trying to test power, you can always disable ptr, add power to the account and then re-enable ptr
@slowmotionghost where you able to spawn in a power creep after trying that? I tried to add power to my account like you suggested and have created a powerCreep, but when calling the .spawn method i dont get an error code (returns 0), but also no powerCreep is spawned in. At this point im starting to suspect something is wrong with this build?
@geir1983 I haven't got an RCL 8 yet, i'll let you know if I can but sounds like it has problems for sure
@geir1983 I was actually able to spawn one, not sure what the problem with your case is
Ok, thanks for confirming. I have no clue why it wont spawn, I tried both from code and from console. Only thing i could think of that could block it is if another powerCreep standing on the powerSpawn, but there is none spawned. However i have never spawned in one so its very possible im missing something else.
hmm, im getting undefined errors when testing "PWR_REGENERATE_MINERAL" and "PWR_REGENERATE_SOURCE", the other constants like "PWR_GENERATE_OPS" gives "1" as expected?
ReferenceError: PWR_REGENERATE_SOURCE is not defined at eval (eval at
(_console1552235402452_0:1:46), :1:1) at _console1552235402452_0:1:46 at _console1552235402452_0:1:60 at Object.exports.evalCode ( :15723:71) at ( :17197:41)
@geir1983 they changed it to PWR_REGEN_MINERAL etc i think
@slowmotionghost thanks, those constants worked. The ptr docs is not updated so i used what was in there, i was hoping it was related somehow to my issue of spawning the powerCreeps, but seems unrelated. Im still not able to spawn them in. Passing a different structure gives the appropriate error code.
CLI is fixed in