UI reported memory is incorrect

  • The UI reports I am using 2085kb.

    I get no errors, and the in-game memory viewer is updating just fine. Also:

    JSON.stringify(Memory).length => 1568256

    Clearly I'm not using 2085kb because everything still works even after multiple global resets.

  • Dev Team


    Do you store something in memory segments?

  • Yes. I don't know exactly how much, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's close to the difference.

  • I also get small overreports of Memory usage.

    I'm not sure if it's connected to segments, as I have 10 segments that are exactly 100k characters long. so I would expect the Memory report to be 1-2MB above if it was connected to segments.

    I first noticed the Memory report being over when I started sending creeps through portals (thus creating Memory structures on a different shard).

    My reported Memory usage currently flucuates between about 1950kB and 2100kB.

    I suspect that it's combining the Memory across both shard1(which should be pretty small) and shard2 (which is pretty close to 2MB).

  • @wtfrank said in UI reported memory is incorrect:

    I suspect that it's combining the Memory across both shard1(which should be pretty small) and shard2 (which is pretty close to 2MB).

    I think this must be correct. I have some memory on shard0 that wasn't cleared after respawn and that almost exactly matches the difference (556kb).

  • Seems to be fixed...

  • Dev Team

    @tigga I'm marking the topic as fixed then 🙂

  • 0_1536087535776_4377ec4b-4202-4e84-bca5-04de1f1ff1d0-image.png
