Solved Unable to login to Screeps - account credentials invalid

  • Hi, I cannot login to screeps at all. Because I cannot login to screeps, I cannot login to screeps in order to post my login issue --> I am in a catch 22 nearly. I was finally able to login after failing for the last 30 minutes and repeating the steps below. I am certain that I answered the captcha's correctly.

    When I attempt to login, I go to a captcha verifying I am human. Once completed, the sign-in queues for 1 min, then fails with -- Account Credentials are invalid. I then reset my password to my email and tried again. I can confirm my email works. I get run through the same issue once again. This was all a login attempt on the web browser.

    I ran into similar issues logging into Screeps from steam client. Very buggy --> I would login, then get kicked out -- Never make it to my account overview. Very hard to describe and replicate.

    I haven't logged into Screeps for a few months, but I am paying every month for this application so I feel like I should get some type of help. To clarify, I am logging on the main server and not any private server. I was able to verify that my email account is correct. I am capable of creating new passwords, which should work.

    What steps need to be taken to fix this on my end (if any)?

    Thanks, Kenshi


  • As an update, I have been able to login after cycling attempts on steam client and browser. Usually repeating the same steps leads to the same results, but not in this case.

  • Try using a different device.
    There are some minor changes in the login system but I doubt that they are your problem.
    You could try to change your DNS and flush your DNS cache that does wonders...

  • Dev Team

    There was an issue with our login server due to high load. It's solved now, we're sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Thanks for the quick response time. I appreciate it.