Negative decay time

  • Personally, I like the idea of immortal containers. One of mine had a negative decay time of -15 as seen in the screenshot (if the upload works...)

    I don't know, what happened, but it occured on shard 0 in room W35S88 at about tick 21275400. There is no replay-Link I can post, because for some reasons the replay returns "no data" for me.

  • Dev Team

    Hello naskamal,

    Thanks for reporting. It should be back to normal now.

  • Same problem with a container in W1N28 on Shard 1.

    Room was reserved at the time of going negative.

    I unclaimed an adjacent room about the time it went negative. This is probably coincidental but thought I'd mention it in case they become a thing that needs to be debugged later...