Screeps down?

  • Have been having issues properly communicating with the server today, it seems. Screeps have a tendency to lock up and no update the room graphically while playing, and most of the time the room is not loaded once selected, instead displaying an empty window where the room and its contents would normally render. The console tab is also left blank, but my scripts are visible in the Script tab.
    Are the servers experiencing issues today? Or am I the only one having these problems?

  • Culture

    It's definitely been having issues all weekend just about though the scripts seem to be running fine (outside of the bucket issue I mentioned in another thread) it's just a graphical thing.

  • I'm also having issues just as Gipphe describes. It does seem to be graphical/UI, since stuff is still getting done by my creeps.

  • I've been having issues all weekend with the web UI as well. Just now though I left it on the blank screen for long enough that it sorted itself out.

  • Sorted itself out for me as well once I left it on the blank screen for a while. We'll see how the game fares during the week then.

  • Haha, famous last words. Now I'm under attack and can't even see what's going on.

  • I feel ya, bro. Experienced the same earlier today, and lost my room. Would've lost my room regardless whether the game had any issues or not though, so I'm not particularly salty 😛

  • Dev Team

    There was a serious memory leak at the frontend server. It is fixed now. All runtime script servers were operating normally in the cloud, so that your gameplay process has not been affected by this failure.