Invaders Spawning Too Often

  • Culture

    The article says they should only spawn after 100k energy has been mined/harvested.

    Below is a room, along with several others, where an invader is spawning way before 100k energy has been mined, and in fact less than 50k was.


    There's only 188 minutes between these two links and in a single source room at ~1500 ticks/56minutes that means it was only possible to mine, at most, 50k energy. My internal counter counted 48k so it's pretty close to my outside calculations.


    Yet both links have an invader active in them, meaning the invader is spawning very early.


  • Dev Team

    100k is the base average threat level. It is changed every time within some range using a random factor which can be both negative and positive. In a few cases (approx. 10%) this random factor can be very substantial. The supposed challenge is that you should not rely on threat counter and write some detection logic instead.