createConstructionsite not working for creating roads.

  • Culture

    createConstructionSite seems to be non-funcitonal since the last update:


    var result =, STRUCTURE_ROAD);
    console.log("Create construction site result ["+result+"]? pos: ["+theCreep.pos+"] structure: ["+STRUCTURE_ROAD+"] " +;

    yields the following result:

    Create construction site result [-7]? pos: [[room E3N16 pos 11,15]] structure: [road] C_482587


    I have not hit the 100 construction site limit yet, and the room has no invaders.


    Creating it by hand, using the construction tool, does work.

  • Dev Team

    It was due to a creep on that square. Fixed now, thanks for reporting.

  • Culture

    Cool thanks for fixing!