creepCounter problem
I have script spawner:// UnitsType var HARVESTER = [MOVE, WORK, CARRY]; //200E module.exports = function (spawn) { if (!Memory.creepCount){ Memory.creepCount = 0; console.log("N E W G A M E"); console.log("creepCount set on 0"); } var creepName = 'harvester' + Memory.creepCount; var canCreate = spawn.canCreateCreep(HARVESTER, creepName); if ( canCreate == OK){ spawn.createCreep(HARVESTER, creepName, {role : 'harvester'}); Memory.creepCount = Number(Memory.creepCount) +1; console.log("creepCount is: " + Memory.creepCount); } else { //console.log(canCreate); if (canCreate == ERR_NAME_EXISTS) console.log(creepName + " exists jet"); if (canCreate == ERR_INVALID_ARGS) console.log("body desc is wrong"); if (canCreate == ERR_RCL_NOT_ENOUGH) console.log("control level is low"); } } Log: [1:49:30]N E W G A M E [1:49:30]creepCount set on 0 [1:49:30]creepCount is: 1 [1:49:55]creepCount is: 2 [1:50:25]harvester1 exists jet [1:50:25]harvester1 exists jet [1:50:26]harvester1 exists jet [1:50:26]harvester1 exists jet [1:50:27]harvester1 exists jet
i really don't know why this doesn't work. Please Help!!!
It does not work because nodes the game world is simulated on do not see the same data at the same time. In simple words, data are inconsistent.
Thank you very much Actium. Is there some way for save data consistently? I read about globals, but if I understand, globals don't work at multiplayer. The only way that I came to them looping and calculate info every tick, but it drain CPU.
It is out of our control to save data consistently. The only thing we can do is to use old "architecture" cause it is not as buggy as new one.
Kind of old but I use
Spawn.prototype.getCreepName = function(role){
var creepName = role + '_0';
for(i = 0; i < 9999 ; i++) {
creepName = role + '_' + i;
if(Game.creeps[creepName] === undefined || Game.creeps[creepName] === null) break;
return creepName;