Wall between novice sector and other world

  • Is it forever?
    Or once it will be removed?
    Or we should break it ourselves (but 2.0B hits...)?

  • I'm curious about this as well. If it's not going to be removed, we should get started taking it down to let the novice people expand!

  • I think we should protect the wall and not let the top players expand into the novice sector and grab our resources 🙂

  • It isn't forever, for example novice area at nord west has ~630200 ticks left before self-destruction of that wall from now (from when i'm writing this) (You can see it by joining any room inside a novice area and looking inside the panel with room's name or joining a room with that wall (at borders of the novice area) and clicking into that wall, you can see "Decay in: a_number").
    I think nobody can destroy the novice wall.