Memory Corruption?
I (and at least one other player) both have attributes from (the same) third player's memory. Here's a screenshot of the memory (none of this comes from any code I've ever used. I don't use any libraries at all)
This has been reported at least three times before:
My memory was replaced with the same data on tick 6456485 earlier today
My memory was replaced with same data around 11:47 UTC. Not exactly same but with same structure. Value of spawnSpawning is different 'Spawn1: - | Spawn1_: - | Spawn1__: - | Spawn2: - | Spawn3: cu3_0 (15) | Spawn3_: - |.....'
I'd say it might be Rumatah script memory but to be sure one needs to somehow check source ids found in spawnPriorityQueue: '55c34a6b5be41a0a6e80c428', '55c34a6b5be41a0a6e80c427', '55c34a6b5be41a0a6e80bae7', '55c34a6b5be41a0a6e80bae7'
When my memory was corrupted, It was likely replaced with Rumatah's data as well (roomNames found there belong to him).
We are investigating possible reasons of this malfunction. Please report any new incidents of this kind in this thread: