Can't suicide creeps reliably in world since the update

  • Culture!/history/W5N12?t=13052308

  - no creep there.


     if (theCreep.memory.role == undefined)
    var message = 'Creep with no role found: \n' + + '\nTick: ' +Game.time + '\nMemory: ' + JSON.stringify(theCreep.memory);
    Game.notify(message, 0);
    log(message, "error");


    Every tick the creep still think he's alive. While it's impossible for it to be alive. This happened multiple times since the downtime of 23-8-2016.

  • Dev Team

    I can barely understand what are you reporting. Please elaborate what you expect and what you get.

  • Culture

    If a creep has no role (due to a bug) I suicide the creep using .suicide().

    This normally never happens, only when the memory gets corrupted for some reason.


    Since this morning 


    no longer works. 


    each tick the same creep gets a .suicide() call, but it doesn't die and still lives next tick.


    The creep is gone from the game, but it seems the Game.creeps still holds an object to a no longer living creep.

  • Culture



    Creep with no role found: 
    Tick: 13052502
    Memory: {}
     pos: [room W3N11 pos 40,29]


    Creep with no role found: 
    Tick: 13052503
    Memory: {}
     pos: [room W3N11 pos 40,29]

    The creep should have suicided on tick 13052502, but is still alive on 13052503

  • Dev Team

    I'm unable to reproduce this. Could you provide a clear isolated test case which proves the issue?

  • Culture

    I can't.

    My creeps suicide themselves from time to time and delete their own memory.

    I don't know if you can see the emails that are send to me from my code, but it looks like this lately:



    You can see it's always creep 


    in this case.


    As you can see from the code above it should always suicide it after one message.

  • Culture

    It seems to be related when you suicide a creep and you code "dies" the same tick due to a CPU limit.

  • Culture

    Seems to be related to when your bucket is empty and the script gets cancelled mid-run, and a creep has been suicided on that cpu-bucket-empty tick.