[closed]Minor bug? Market history of energy (avg ± stddev)

  • Today i noticed that at the the average price and standard deviation of energy is extremely high.

    Date    Transactions    Total volume    Price (avg ± stddev)
    2016-10-19    1,055    1,893,695    1.74 ± 22,571.957

    Is it bugged or did i miss some great deals?

  • Culture

    This happens when some players "exchange" credits. They will create an order (1 energy which costs X million), the other player will fulfill it.

    The same can be witnessed with K

  • Thanks Dissi, that makes sense.

  • Perhaps the market should exclude outliers? Anything more than 10x the average is likely to be spurious. More than 1000x is ridiculous.

  • Maybe a new marked-resource could be used, where people are only able to create "sell" deals to beg for credits. (trade without reward)

    That way people can still give their credits to another person and the histories wouldn't be screwed.