[Discussion] Skill selection mechanism

  • Dear Devs,

    I'd like to continue the discussion from the original post regarding the mechanism for the selection of skills.

    The current proposal significantly restricts the total number of configuration options for power creeps. With this proposal, the community is likely to identify a few optimum strategies and stick with those.

    Instead of the "tree" proposal, I would propose we take from the MOBA world and implement a simple level restriction for skill leveling. Something to the following effect.

    Skill level - Required creep level

    1 - 1
    2 - 5
    3 - 10
    4 - 15
    5 - 20

    1 - 1
    2 - 3
    3 - 6
    4 - 9
    5 - 12

    1 - 1
    2 - 4
    3 - 8
    4 - 12
    5 - 16

    This choice may need balancing. For now, I'm just doing Math.ceil(maxLevels/5) for the level scaling.


  • Culture

    I like this idea and don't really like the existing table idea. Perhaps a little smaller curve though, so instead of 3 - 10, it'd be 3 - 8, and 5 - 17.

    Right now it seems far better to make a bunch of level 1 - 4's that do the things you want, while the level 15's would have a lot of high level skills but simply not enough time to make good use of them. A more MOBA-esque leveling scheme would fix this while still forcing players to pick complementary skills to the main one that they really want on that creep.

  • I also don't like the current "tree" proposal that much, because some skills are mutually exclusive, when you want the maximum effectiviness (like HARVEST_ENERGY and HARVEST_MINERAL). Additionally it can be much harder to introduce new skills afterwards, because you always have to rework the whole selection table. So I find the suggestion from Atavus goes in a much better direction.

  • Culture

    I really like the idea, and do agree with concerns voiced in this thread.

    Related skills should be able to be powered up equally. With the current system you're just wasting PC levels. You're better off spawning a bunch of level 1~2 PC's with the current skill-leveling type.


  • CoPS

    The issue I have with the current table is that it restricts the breadth of creeps I can have at lower levels, so I like the rework idea.

    But, something should probably be done with minimum levels to ensure people don't have fleets of lvl1 KILL creeps.