Zoom out the the 7 day display on http://status.screeps.com ... can you guess when the update was done?!?
From the looks of it this is hitting most players' CPU pretty hard. I'm regularly seeing 100 - 230 CPU used already on the very first line of my loop. I only get 80... so at this point the game is completely broken. On normal turns I'm running 45 to 70 depending on if I run my check deals code... but 1 / 5 or more of my turns start out as described. It does not specifically coincide with the code reloading as my code detects these runs and displays this run-time usage statistic as well which also seems to be much higher than normal.
I'm also seeing creeps regularly using 4x to 10x the CPU they were before... not every turn, but more often than not on the same turns as the issue above.