If I may ask, are the caravan scoring points additional points for the ranking, besides the expansion rate, or is this the only factor for the final score?
Or are there more factors for the calculation of the rankings?
If I may ask, are the caravan scoring points additional points for the ranking, besides the expansion rate, or is this the only factor for the final score?
Or are there more factors for the calculation of the rankings?
First of all, thank you for reading this post
Right now I have a script, which iterates through my rooms and determins every tick whether or not a new screep needs to be send to the spawnqueue. For this i use the following filters:
Creeps that operate within the room: var workers = room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS, { filter: (creep) => { return (creep.memory.role == role) && (creep.room == room) }});
Creeps that operate outside the room: var workers = _.filter(Game.creeps, (creep) => { return (creep.memory.role == role) && (creep.memory.homebase == room.name) && (creep.memory.surroundingroom == 'none')});
Creeps that operate in the direct surrounding rooms: var workers = _.filter(Game.creeps, (creep) => { return (creep.memory.role == role) && (creep.memory.surroundingroom == surroundingroom)});
Especially the last two scripts use a lot of CPU time, since for every room/surroundingroom the script searches through all of my creeps.
Now I think I can save CPU if I filter my creeps once and giving this object as an input variable for each room Within each room I then can filter roles and other things and putting that result als input variable for different functions
I just want to check if my thinking is right, as this is a pretty big change....
Is this the right way, or should I look somewhere else?