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Posts made by newjerrY
RE: Does anyone know anything about the out of print skin?
RE: Nuking youself for infinite safemodes
I'd say that the algorithm should be "previous safe mode cooldown time + 200 ticks". Of course, it could be a way of playing since every bug gets its own use, as long as they don't make some players absolutely invulnerable - which I believe wouldn't happen, this tactic actually hits the best player back. Or in a way we can accept the assertion of nuke landing only available in other players' rooms.
RE: Access key and Seasonal Server
I agree! Season 4 is now finished, but still without many players now. It's time to make progress on this topic.
RE: how to use life time?
@jinpei said in how to use life time?:
@114514 said in how to use life time?:
@jinpei 讲中文
㴇㴇㴇㴇㴇㴇㴇㴇 倪浩,卧室种过仁尼姓马?
I don't have life time, but using that won't be hard, I think.
Thread about structures
Re: Portals
No, at least not now.
This is strange - why do the developers want us to do the things they intended to let us do? For example, why can't we use a function to cross between rooms? And why can't we use a function to enter a portal?
This is a topic where you can discuss about structures, all but creeps (of course because they aren't structures!). I mean visualisation structures, not the token 'struct'.
Creep crossing each other
I've been thinking about this question for a long time, but haven't seen any realistic events which answers this question.
The question is: Do there exists a rule for multiple(at least 2) creeps with multiple(as described) different owners wanting to go to the same tile in the same room at the same time, which demands which creep to go to the (said)tile?
If there exists, what is it? Do you think it's fair for you guys?
If there doesn't exist such a rule, can we make one?
RE: Are sources under Source Keeper worth fighting for?
For the topic, usually no. You'll need 3 types of creeps:
-creeps to harvest energies
-creeps to defend others and kills the invaders
-creeps to repair the structures (if built), especially the containers
Due to all these requirements (and, of course, you'll need to have a high-level controller to spawn all that!), I personally think it's not a good choice. But, the minerals and sometimes the invader colony's resources are worth.
BTW, not having controllers makes actually contributing structures important for defending (i.e, towers) to these rooms impossible.
The wisest choice I think is to build attackers and healers, and renew them in the nearest controlled room. Instead of simply harvesting the energy resources, I'd recommend you to use up all the resources, including the minerals, the invader's tombstones, etc. Also, remember that invader cores might spawn at anytime, so don't forget to write codes for destroying them!