@detox said in I want to be better:
@kit_gamer said in I want to be better:
already wrote some script to make my colony live and evolving.
Happy playing)
Scrape the insides of your imagination and read lots of internet for ideas.
@davaned said in I want to be better:
Remote mining, autoexpand, combat, etc
As a non life-time player (atm), these are very CPU heavy ways of play. Right now, I'm with 12 rooms(no reservations), running around 50 creeps with very little CPU left for advancing. Had some ideas for lowering CPU cost, but I would have to respawn all over.
So I'm getting back to this point, I noticed a major gap on my CPU usage. Spent some time checking, re-checking and re-re-checking my codes and came to the conclusion of recycling source-harvesting creeps since most of the time my storages are filled(as I mentioned), and apparently my price's are too high or players aren't active enough on the market.
global.clearance = function(discount){
let orders = Game.market.orders;
for(let order in orders){
let price = (discount)?(orders[order].price - orders[order].price * discount):(orders[order].price);
Memory.rooms[orders[order].roomName].discounting = (discount)?(true):(false);
Game.market.changeOrderPrice(orders[order].id, price);
let msg = '[ ' + Game.shard.name + ' ]: ';
msg += (discount)?('Hosting clearance, * ' + discount +'.'):('Clearance over.');
return msg;
Now, since I've recycled some creeps, it left me quite an amount of CPU(a drop of roughly 5-10). Which leaves me pondering, should I go for more rooms, or, try expanding my codes(such as an automated power acquirement script, which has been on my to-do thoughts for a while now)?