Memory Object not Persistent Does anyone know why the Memory object wouldn't persist? Notes: In Tutorial Mode, right at the Build Road step. main is completely commented out. First attempt to play tutorial advanced to the point where the road was actually being built. Due to server email spam, that I had not spawned in the "World", I exited tutorial mode, entered game mode and created a spawn1. Returned to Tutorial mode, and cannot advance past this Build Road step. Memory state completely vanishes. Here is the Console log: > Game.creeps.Worker1.memory.role = "harvester"; console.log(Game.creeps.Worker1.memory.role); console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory.creeps)); < [1:09:47 AM] harvester < [1:09:47 AM] {"Worker1":{"role":"harvester"}} < harvester > Game.creeps.Builder1.memory.role = "builder"; console.log(Game.creeps.Builder1.memory.role); console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory.creeps)); < [1:09:48 AM] builder < [1:09:48 AM] {"Builder1":{"role":"builder"}} < builder > console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory)); < [1:09:52 AM] {} < undefined