> This feature is on our roadmap.
You 'da best. Thanks!
> This feature is on our roadmap.
You 'da best. Thanks!
Same, although I can circumvent by pre-checking all creep creation conditions myself instead of relying on the creep creation function.
Same issue on Windows machine with nwjs.exe - game runs extremely sluggish and utilizes ~30% CPU.
Note that for me, I experience this only in simulation mode, and I'm getting ~4ms timings on just my script, not to mention the rest of screeps code which takes about 2,000ms. (My script normally takes ~1ms in browser). This can be resolved by restarting the game on Steam, but it quickly ramps up after just a few iterations.
Windows 7
Intel 3.2Ghz 4 Core H/T core-i5
nVidia GTX 1080
Running it in the Chrome Browser is much faster and less resource hungry, but I love my Steam trading cards