I believe that would also have serious implications in the server-side code. Right now, all objects available to the user at all are created beforehand, and used to populate an internal "register" as well as all the find caches / Game.structures / Game.spawns / etc. Game.getObjectById is literally a function `return _register[id];`.
If _all game objects_ were made available, this architecture would definitely have to change - creating one copy of every single game object per user per tick would be, well, very expensive. What the replacement would be, I don't know, but it would probably incur some additional performance costs, both with Game.getObjectById and other functions which use the internal register to validate things.
The solution I would favor would be something like Game.inspectPlayer(player) to get GCL and a list of rooms with RCLs next tick, usable once per tick, as well as a Game.inspectRoom(room) function giving RCL, controller sign, owner, and a 50x50 grid of enemy/road/wall/empty squares (similar to the view on the world map). inspectRoom would also be usable once per tick, and would give results the next tick.