Even if the workaround with the observer works, I suggested to add the owner of an offer : http://screeps.com/forum/topic/564/-Market-Know-the-owner-of-an-offer
It should be an easy improvement, and easier to find the owner of an offer.
Even if the workaround with the observer works, I suggested to add the owner of an offer : http://screeps.com/forum/topic/564/-Market-Know-the-owner-of-an-offer
It should be an easy improvement, and easier to find the owner of an offer.
I wouldn't deliver boosts to my ennemies!
In the same way, I would like to emphasize my allies.
In my opinion, it could be a great idea to return the owner of an offer when using market.getAllOrders().
Thanks you very much, I didn't know this website and it seems really usefull. However, I think that the observer should be enough for me.
Oh I didn't think to the observer structure! Great idea, thanks you!
But I think it could be a great improvement to know the owner of an offer on the market.
(Yeaah nice badge xD)
The only way I find to do this, is to use the map, and fill an array with all rooms with the owner, but I wouldn't ask a day off to fill this array...
And good luck to keep it up to date.
I'm using the market but I have some trouble to find who is behind an offer.
In using market.getAllOrders(), we know for each offer the "roomName" of the offer, but not the owner.
I wouldn't deliver boosts to my ennemies!
In the same way, I would like to emphasize my allies.
Is there a way to know the owner of a room with a "roomName"?
It seems to work fine now, thanks you very much
Same problem here, but with Game.map.findExit:
var result = Game.map.findExit('W4S23', 'W3S23');
Result is -2 too.
Maybe a way to find the bug: the room W3S23 opened recently (I think yesterday, or the day before yesterday), it was a closed area before.
Before the last update it worked fine, but my creeps just stop to move in the next room when the last update was pushed online