Collaborative Endgame

  • Hi, 

    I suppose this might be a bit out of the current scope, but IMHO a Travian-like collaborative endgame with the reset that follows would really make the game interesting. 

    To be a bit more specific, I am referring to the construction of the "World Wonder" type of structure, which, upon completion, would mean victory for the owning clan/group and then the server is subsequently reset.

    In addition to the current gameplay of maximizing individual infrastructure/utility, this would add an extra dimension of inter-player logistics and role specializations (e.g. the players that defend against the other clans or the farmers that contribute resource to the builders). The reset that follows would mean that the game is periodically made more accessible to new players. 

    Thanks for making such a great game!

  • I think two worlds... a persistent one, and a seasonal one, would be a nice enhancement to the game. The seasonal game could be subscriber only, and thus provide an incentive to purchase a subscription to 'test out' your code for a limited time. Since a season will be of a limited length users could purchase a set amount of months and compete on a level playing field with everyone else.

    This helps reduce the perceived cost of subscribing to an MMO because it's for a prescribed period of time and thus for a fixed amount of money. This differs from the persistent world where you have the fear of paying for X amount of time... but then when your subscription lapses and you fall back down to 10CPU your progress is halted and your creeps languish in eternal CPU drain until your empire crumbles. Not an enjoyable prospect to look forward to.

    TL;DR: I think seasonal subscriber-only shards would be a good way to lure new players into subscribing due to the level playing field and fixed duration.

  • i really like the seasonal idea (on top of the current world), it means that everyone has a chance at an equal start and the more optimized script would win. perhaps a limited size though and no newbie areas/respawns?