BitBucket integration?

  • I'm loving the GitHub integration, but I'm not much of a GitHub user (only in last couple months) as I mostly use BitBucket.

    How hard would it be to get BitBucket integration in Screeps? I personally favour BitBucket over GitHub as it allows free users to create private repositories and I'm a cheapskate.

    While I'm all for open source software, there are certain situations where free private repos are beneficial and I think Screeps is one of them 🙂

    P.S. Sorry if this has already been addressed before but no searches yielded anything.

  • Hey, you could easily use gulp/grunt to deploy to Screeps and then have your repo on BitBucket.

    I have a basic setup here:

    I prefer using a gulpfile over the GitHub integration anyway, since you can't move your scripts into multiple folders in Screeps. The gulpfile flattens the folder structure when deploying.