Ability to 'infect' enemy creeps with 'virus' code

  • This is a big ask and would take quite a bit of work to balance correctly.

    General idea: one (or maybe two) new creep body parts, rather expensive, that allow your creeps to 'attack' enemy creeps and 'inject' your own code into them. This could be used for things like changing enemies into prisoners or slaves, or silly things like rick-rolling someone else's room. Either the same or a similar body part could be used to absorb those types of attack and defend against them. 

    This would need to be an attack only available to high-level rooms, since it'd be easy to abuse newbie rooms once you have the programming in place.


  • I hate this idea

    One of the reason I like screeps is cause I can do fun programming instead of work programming. If I have to worry about antivirus, or hardening my code, then eww. Might as well go back and work.