[UI] Labels on the right

  • The general idea is to have a label or two on the right side of the "Screen" under name, id, ticks to live, etc, that could be tied to a memory value. 

    When an object is selected that has memory then if the value exists the label is updated with the value.

    A good example is creep.memory.label1

    var doStuff = function() {

    this.memory.mode = "mine"

    this.memory.label1 = "mining"



    The general idea being that you could see at a glance what is going on with your creep. .Say takes CPU is can be really hard to see in a crowded spot.  Setting creep.memory.label1 and maybe creep.memory.label2 would take no CPU other then what it already does to access memory, and would provide a great place for things like energy per tick, or current mode, target name, etc. etc. 

    It should work on any selected item that can respond to object.memory.label1 even if the memory binding is done in the users code. 

    Some examples

    • creeps could show mode
    • creeps could show target names
    • creeps could show progress along a path/route
    • towers could show targets
    • spawners could show the creep type they are spawning
    • extensions could show what creep is bringing it energy
    • extensions could show number of ticks spent empty (or full)
    • containers could show number of creeps coming to get energy
    • What ever, the user wants. It's not a big deal. 


  • This would be very useful for debugging, and much less cluttered than creep.say.

    Another similar idea would be to have buttons that we can define for console commands we run a lot. They could go next to the labels.