Dedicated Server
I was able to get the server to run as a dedicated server "hosted on a vps" with a little help from ags131.
In case anyone is interested, it's a bit complicated, but not impossible.:
First you need to make sure you have a valid and working node setup including node, npm, and node-gyp. This was by far the most complicated part. Once that was done, the rest was pretty smooth.
Run steamcmd
force_install_dir /home/steam/screeps
login username
app_update 464350 -beta Server -betapassword the-password-here validate
exitedit the .screepsrc file in the server directory you just installed:
cd /home/steam/screeps/server/
nano .screepsrcNext you need to install greenworks. The copy that comes packaged with the server probably won't work for one or more of many reasons.
git clone
cd greenworks/
cd deps/
unzip ~/ # you have to get this from your steam developer account
mv sdk steamworks_sdk
cd ..npm install
cp build/Release/greenworks-linux64.node ~/screeps/server/modules/backend/greenworks/lib/greenworks-linux64.nodeNow this will give you a server that still won't run so it's time to rebuild things., then start the server. I combined these into a single script for starting the server.
cd /home/steam/steamcmd/
./ +force_install_dir /home/steam/screeps +login user +app_update 464350 -beta Server -betapassword the-password-here validate +exit
cd /home/steam/screeps/server
cp /home/steam/greenworks/build/Release/greenworks-linux64.node ~/screeps/server/modules/backend/greenworks/lib/greenworks-linux64.node
for M in modules/*/
pushd $M
rm node_modules -Rf
npm install
npm build
pushd modules/driver/native/
node-gyp configure
node-gyp build
rm logs/* -Rf
node modules/launcher/bin/screeps.js startThe script effectively has to download the server every time because of the rebulid, The rebuild it because it just downloaded it. The process doesn't take too long though and it ensures a running, updated, server every time.
Even if screeps was on npm I would probably still do it this way as it most closely matches my other steam game server setups.
But just in case your trying to setup a server, this is what I did, and I hope it helps.
What version of node are you using? For me on
$ uname -a
Linux G5070 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u1 (2016-09-03) x86_64 GNU/Linuxgreenwork can't `npm install` work with neither of
gyp ERR! node -v v6.9.1
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.4.0nor
gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.29
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v0.12.2
Got greenwork to build, problem was too new steamworks_sdk. I updated your part
# Remove everything related to node, so that `node`, `nodejs`, `npm`, `n` or `node-gyp` is not found.
# Probably not the simplest way but it works.
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo aptitude install -y nodejs
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
sudo npm install node-gyp@latest -g
node -v # v6.9.1
npm -v # 3.10.9
node-gyp -v # v3.4git clone
cd greenworks/deps/
unzip ~/path-to/ # It has to be v1.37 and you have to get this from your steam developer account
mv sdk steamworks_sdk
cd ..
npm install
Also, you can skip the need to recompile greenworks by commenting out the require('greenworks') lines in the top ofmodules/backend/game/server.js and modules/backend/game/api/auth.js
This does not affect behavior at all since greenworks is only used if launched via steam or from the client.