PS Changelog build 25

  • Dev Team

    • Client socket updating is now throttled. You can run the simulation at any tick rate, and the client will be re-rendered only once per 1000 ms by default (see config.backend.socketUpdateThrottle).
    • Added object. Now you can use any storage methods from your mods directly.
    • CLI commands that return promises now automatically print the promise result when fulfilled, without using .then(print)explicitly:
    > storage.db.users.findOne({username: 'test'})
    { _id: '935ab389d2ec',
      username: 'test',
      usernameLower: 'test',
      gcl: 0,
      cpu: 0,
      active: 1,
      cpuAvailable: 10000,
      meta: { revision: 0, created: 1477569570200, version: 0 },
      '$loki': 1 }
    • Fixed some memory leaks.