> help(map);
Available methods:
- map.removeRoom(roomName) - Delete the room and all room objects from the database.
- map.generateRoom(roomName, [opts]) - Generate a new room at the specified location. 'opts' is an object with the following optional properties:
* exits - an object with exit coordinates arrays, e.g. {top: [20,21,23], right: [], bottom: [27,28,29,40,41]}, default is random
* terrainType - the type of generated landscape, a number from 1 to 28, default is random
* swampType - the type of generated swamp configuration, a number from 0 to 14, default is random
* sources - the amount of sources in the room, default is random from 1 to 2
* mineral - the type of the mineral deposit in this room or false if no mineral, default is random type
* controller - whether this room should have the controller, default is true
* keeperLairs - whether this room should have source keeper lairs, default is false