Installing a usable private screeps server on Raspberry Pi.
Recently there was a patch that reduced tick degradation in servers without mongodb.
I've ran this for a few solid days on a Raspberry Pi 2 and am getting 1 tick per second, you could possibly get more on a Raspberry Pi 3 but obviously it depends on how intensive the scripts running are, and how many users are going to be on.
Anyway, here's how I set it up for those who want to try:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install -y npm build-essential tcl git nodejs g++ #if npm -v returns version < 8 do "curl -sL | sudo -E bash -" sudo npm i -g npm sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile # set CONF_SWAPSIZE = 1000, feel free to set it back after npm install screeps sudo sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" screeps sudo su screeps mkdir ~/screeps-server cd ~/screeps-server npm install isolated-vm npm install screeps # install any mods, auth, admin-utils, screepsmod-features # manual tick-rate is now part of admin-utils npx screeps init npx screeps start ^C # Control + C to quit screeps exit # this just exits the screeps user sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/screeps-server.service # Copy this into the file [Unit] Description=Screeps Server (world) [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/home/screeps/screeps-server ExecStart=/home/screeps/world/node_modules/screeps/bin/screeps.js start User=screeps Group=screeps [Install] sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start screeps-server
Additional things to do while the screeps server is running:
sudo su screeps cd ~/screeps-server npx screeps cli # wait for cli to load setTickRate(1000)
Also, delete all the bots unless you need them.
This should give you a server that can handle 2~3 players without becoming incredibly slow.
A few notes:
- Use a reasonable power supply, a weak PSU will cause the pi to reset if it gets under load... and possibly corrupt everything in the process.
- Remember to back up your world a few times before killing the server and set routine backups.
- I haven't tried this with CPU intensive scripts, it may suffer if you have a few users running intense scripts every tick.
This should be pinned in the forum.