What's the function to calculate creep cost?
So, I'm new to screeps and am currently trying to figure out the function for the energy cost of the spawnCreep method for a given body, but it seems to depend on more than just body size. Does anyone know the how to calculate that? Because I can't find anything in the documentation.
things are difficult in the beginning
Try start with these:
BODYPART_COST: { "move": 50, "work": 100, "attack": 80, "carry": 50, "heal": 250, "ranged_attack": 150, "tough": 10, "claim": 600 }
PS: I don't think there is a function, you have to write one
Or find different solutions.
Alright, that answers my question, thanks a bunch.
In case anyone is looking for an answer, here's one way to do it:
function bodyCost(body) { let sum = 0; for (let i in body) sum += BODYPART_COST[body[i]]; return sum; }
Then use it like so
console.log(bodyCost([WORK, CARRY, MOVE]));
// oneliner with lodash const bodyCost = _.sum([WORK,MOVE,CARRY], b => BODYPART_COST[b]);