Dismantling walls gives no energy

  • I was trying to tear down some extraneous walls earlier to get some energy out of them. However, when I started dismantling them, no energy came out.

    • Location: Shard 1, room E59N1
    • Replay: screeps.com/s/kBDgkH (tick #7499000) - note the two creeps named "Nathan" and "Miles" at the bottom.
    • Expected behavior: The creeps should have gained energy.
    • Actual behavior: The creeps did not gain any energy.

    I can reproduce this on a private server: no energy is dropped after attempting to dismantle a wall, a rampart, and a storage.

  • I would assume it is because you do not have enough WORK parts. It does not return fractions of energy.

  • Dev Team

    @Gankdalf is right. As stated in the documenation, one WORK part returns 0.25 energy on dismantle, it means you need to have at least 4 parts to gain energy.

  • I didn't notice that. Thanks!