creep withdrawing on a container fails
After using withdraw with a nearby container, I receive a success code OK{0}. The creep is shown to have 50x energy in store. One tick later all the energy of the creep is missing. My creep consists of just a MOVE and a CARRY bodypart.
Q: Do I have to have at least one WORK bodypart? Q: Why do I carry for just one tick the energy, as intended? Q: Why doesn't it fell to the ground but disappears at all?
Of course I tried to optimize the required body parts for just a "carrier".
Can you help me understanding the right handling of withdraw? I didn't find any fact in the API doc, which argues against my attemp.
Q: Do I have to have at least one WORK bodypart?
As for your other questions its hard to say what is happening here without seeing your code.
But the return of OK means the you intent has been successfully submitted. There are a number of reasons why you may not actually withdraw energy. Another creep may take the last energy from the container, you can cancel your action or submit another withdraw request to overwrite the first.
I would recommend you head over to #help on slack, where friendly people will be able to help you.