Syntax errors missing line information

  • When I have a syntax error, the errors is along the lines of:

    SyntaxError: Unexpected token )
        at m:4:29618
        at main:5:14
        at m:4:29618
        at Object.c.runCode:4:35220

    I figured out that some of the lines give a hint as to the file; in this case, main:5 is a require statement, so the error is somewhere in that required file. But it would be nice to have more information, say, a line number within that file.

  • Dev Team

    Is this a simulation or server-side ("Game") mode? In Game mode lines and stack traces should be displayed correctly. In Simulation it fully depends on your browser.

  • sigh

    I do pretty much all of my development in the simulation mode, since being able to pause while debugging is useful. But I guess it might be useful to keep a real game going as well for this reason...