Extra CPU

  • How does one steal^H^H^H^H^Haquire extra CPU? Can't find purchase option anywhere.
    Currently I have to often stop my attack calculations halfway through after wave 12 or so, I am optimising, but extra CPU would be handy until I've addressed the issue.

  • Dev Team

    Currently, 300 CPU is the maximum server capacity we are able to offer our players. It refers to both the current period and the Early Preview stage after it launches.

    Most often, players lack CPU due to abusing pathfinding functions. Try to limit calculations you perform per tick and "spread" them across several ticks, saving interim data in Memory. Increasing the parameter reusePath in the Creep.moveTo method can also be helpful.

    We also advise to profile different parts of your scripts by utilizing the method Game.getUsedCpu.

  • I know, I have lots of pathfinding abuse - it needs to happen in this one tick though, since it is attack swarming calculation - I will optimise it, probably make it 2-3 stage process.
    However, I don't really want the new CPU for free - I'd like to know if it's possible to purchase some.

  • Dev Team

    Paid CPU resources will be available after the Early Preview stage is finished. However, 300 CPU is the maximum available capacity to purchase.