- option
(e.g. formoveTo
does not seem to work -
throws an error upon incorrect ID instead of returningnull
as specified - Ramparts have the wrong hitpoints - according to http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/203086021-Territory-control on RoomController Lvl4 they should have 3k HP, instead they have 1k
Can others reproduce those bugs?
- option
For list item 1:
Maybe its related http://support.screeps.com/hc/communities/public/questions/201246901-Passing-custom-objects-through-finder-functions-don-t-get-filtered
I produced a different result (using the filter) when passing a FIND_ constant than passing custom objects. The latter doesn't even get filtered while the first does.
Anyway, I need to test this myself before I can say more.
Uh, nvm it involves totally different functions... moveTo and findPath only requires 1 object as an input, the issue I'm dealing with accepts many...
avoid works fine for me.
It seems like avoid is a bit bugged: it worked for me for the majority of time, however sometimes creeps went through the objects which they had to avoid. I've tried to play with reusePath/heuristicWeight, however they still rarely went through the object passed to 'avoid'.
Can confirm objectById bug, very frustrating.
Looks like avoid has been tweaked, it's working 100% reliably now - I noticed since some of my code actually relied on it sometimes failing.