Strangeness around being wiped out and respawning in same room

  • I'm still having fun optimizing my internal network, and haven't started messing with offense and defense.

    Not shockingly, yesterday my base was destroyed (AFAICT, by a single enemy soldier; as I said, no defense yet). As I still have a couple bits hardcoded to that room, I was hoping to reuse it, but the enemy creep was still there. But I tried anyway, and succeeded! It looks like the enemy creep was teleported to the next room over. Convenient for me, but annoying to the other player if he/she was hoping to claim that room.

    Moreover, I came back this morning to see that I was wiped out, and had e-mails letting me know that all my creeps were attacked (and while there is a source keeper in my room, most of my creeps should never (and have never that I've seen) go anywhere near it). I assumed that I'd get another three days of protection after respawning, but either that didn't happen or something went wrong with it.

    I don't particularly mind, since I'm getting a chance to test my early build, but this seems like it might be the sort of thing the beta's supposed to find.

  • You don't get the 3 days of protection after each respawn, it's a timer that starts the first time you spawn. After that, you get an hour or 2? At least, that's what I got last time

  • Hah, you're right; I remember checking that the walls didn't expire for 10k ticks or so, and didn't think through the fact that that's only 3 hours.

    I'm not sure how I feel about that - getting three days for each respawn did seem a bit overpowered, but very convenient for experimenting and improving my build. Three hours, on the other hand, isn't a lot of time to do that.

    Guess I'll throw up some basic defenses to at least avoid a single creep killing me.

  • And for the record, I still find it a little strange the I can apparently kick an enemy creep out of the room by spawning there. Though I suppose if you couldn't, a malicious player could drop a creep in a bunch of nearby rooms until someone else killed them.

  • Defensive walls are set for 3 days for newly registered players only. If you respawn during this period, the walls will be set just for 3 hours.

    Respawning wipes all the creeps and facilities of other players. It is done with the sole purpose of simplifying the beginning stage for newcomers.

    However, we will watch how these mechanics affect the game and will quite possibly make adjustments.