Don't add comment on last line.
console.log("I am going to error on next line");
// Some comment without newline at the end of last
// comment.
It gives error
// comment })()
Is this possibly exploitable? This allows escaping the context in which the user code is supposed to run. This code doesn't generate any errors, even though it appears invalid:
console.log("Hello world!")})(); console.log("42"); (function foo(){
That prints "Hello world!" and "42" to the console. "Hello world!" is printed from the normal script context, but "42" is printed from a context where user code is not supposed to run. I don't know if that context allows users to do anything nasty.
In my code, I wrap my code within
new Function(<code>);
. While I use this to keep simple syntax errors out of the code, this also could help avoiding user code doing unexpected things.On live code, a simple wrapper around the code should be enough be enough. Just make sure that there is a newline behind the code injection.
I'm using this wrapper in my code: