Create square markers for a number of different uses

  • It would be very beneficial if you could programically place markers, on squares similar to a construction site ring, may be a smaller circle. But allow it to be colored like a flag and it would not need to be named. It would allow us to highlight areas, routes, paths. Future building sites, patrol routes etc in different colors.

  • I can see no benefit over using flags.

  • What I do agree on though, is that the scaling factor of the flags could be 0,6 or perhaps even 0,5 instead of the current 0.7. Also, though it might be for "perspective purposes", but they should be positioned directly on the square ( = a few pixels down and to the left). Scaling might be arguable, perhaps one could select the scaling manually.

    How I'd prefer it:

    P.S. Sorry for spamming guys, this forum seriously lacks an edit function...