Weird bug

  • I'm not sure what causes to create stack traces like these:

    TypeError: object is not a function
        at Object.findRoute (/opt/engine/dist/game/map.js:74:18)
        at Object.findExit (/opt/engine/dist/game/map.js:103:24)
        at Room.findExitTo (/opt/engine/dist/game/rooms.js:707:25)
        at RoomPosition.findPathTo (/opt/engine/dist/game/rooms.js:753:26)
        at Creep.moveTo (/opt/engine/dist/game/creeps.js:136:25)
        <user code>

    I have many stack traces that end up like this and call moveTo with some options (yeah, experimenting). But I'm not sure if that causes the bug (user code or simulation code). Also its not a bug that seems to be triggered a lot, mostly not even 1 bug report an hour.


  • I have this stacktrace quite often as well. It also has been reported earlier already.

  • As far as I understand it, this has to do with the:

    Script execution has been terminated: CPU limit reached