Improvement on Structures

  • Problem

    The current mechanics with Structures are rather boring - you rush to a certain RCL, buy that structure(s) and never look back again. I would like to propose a more interesting model.

    It came to my mind initially, for two reasons:
    Storage (RCL 4) now can hold 1M energy.
    Gaining RCL8 should feel really powerful, however in reality it offers no significant advantage. EP showed, that no one is willing to clutter their room with extensions, and the third Spawn did not prove to be very useful to me as well.

    Introducing Structure Upgrade

    Certain Structures now can be upgraded, e.G. (the following values are suggestions). A structure is always built with the basic stats and needs to be upgraded one level at a time. (At RCL8, when you build a storage, it starts with 5k Capacity).


    at RCL2 it can be initially built: 1 x Storage (costs:5k) with 5k Capacity.

    Upgrade costs 5k per level.

    RCL3: upgrade to 10k Capacity
    RCL4: 40k
    RCL5: 100k
    RCL6: 200k
    RCL7: 500k
    RCL8: 1M


    upgrade costs 10k per level

    RCL6: upgrade: energyCapacity 500
    RCL7: second spawn
    RCL8: production time per body part 3->2


    RCL8: +10 Extensions, Upgrade: energyCapacity 50->100 (cost:5k)


    keep the number of links, upgrade costs 5k

    RCL5: initial energy loss: 5%
    RCL6: energyCapacity: 750
    RCL7: energyCapacity: 1000, energy loss: 3%
    RCL8: energy loss 2%, transfer costs: 1 -> ceil(0,5 x tile)

    Some of these suggestions might be to powerful, but I think it would be a nice addition to the game.