Broken room E12S9 and 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'null' of undefined'

  • It seems like my room E12S9 is broken, on loading the ui breaks and is stuck in moving the room. I also changed my main.js to just return; and I still get the error. The error also doesn't reach my code anyway. The stacktrace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'null' of undefined
    at addObjectToRegister (/opt/engine/dist/game/game.js:69:141)
    at makeGameObject (/opt/engine/dist/game/game.js:311:17)
    at Object.register.deprecated.exports.runCode.markStats as runCode
    at /opt/engine/dist/core/runtime.js:116:18
    at fulfilled (/opt/engine/dist/core/node_modules/q/q.js:794:54)
    at self.promiseDispatch.done (/opt/engine/dist/core/node
    at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/opt/engine/dist/core/node
    at /opt/engine/dist/core/node_modules/q/q.js:564:44
    at flush (/opt/engine/dist/core/node_modules/q/q.js:110:17)
    at doNTCallback0 (node.js:428:9)

    I also sent a support ticket ~18 hours ago. Any idea how I can get it working again?

  • Sorry, wrong room E19S4

  • Dev Team

    Answered in your support ticket.