Does anyone know the reason why Spawns can't be placed 5 squares near a source?

  • Culture

    Does anyone know the reason why it isn't allowed to build near energy sources?


  • I don't know the reason but I assume it would be a bit too easy if you could place a spawn right next to it and harvest continuously with just a single creep without even moving - tho I feel a 2 block radius would've been enough for that. 

    Same restriction counts for Extensions too btw.

  • What's interesting to me is that there is no such restriction for your main storage. It CAN be placed adjacent to a source if you so wish.Links are similarly exempt from this rule. I have a neighbor who is doing just this with source linking to the second source which is adjacent to his storage.

    He's literally got just two creeps handling all of the energy harvesting and storing, and haulers/builders/upgraders can effortlessly just pull it straight out of storage to work. Verah efficient. 

    So if the intent of the rule is to prevent super cheesy efficient harvesting, it does seem a bit inconsistent. I suppose at least storage requires RCL 4, and links are RCL 5 so it's not a quick easy strategy, but it is a potent one.