Copy World room to Sim

  • I would be nice to have a way to copy certain room to Simulation room with all the things whats in it.

    I would love to have such feature on the start. In Sim you have a possibility to debug your own code with simple debugger;

  • The sim mode does not get enough love from the devs. ATM it's unplayable, because of errors. Creating new objects is very limited as well (you should be able to determine the type and amount of minerals, all structures/creeps with capacity for resources should be adaptable (remove/add resources via UI), and so on.

    I would already be happy, if you could save the room setup from one to the next session.

    Also it is lacking several connected rooms to test your multi-room scripts, but this has been unsuccessfully requested before.  

  • Yes this would be very helpful in planning room layout.