Elaboration on Nukes
found issues:
- nuke cannot be place in the room via UI. Placing it via API works though.
- picture missing in UI
- graphic of structure missing (see https://screeps.com/ptr/#!/room/W18S13 [30,28])
Also, the naming convention is a bit off. The structure should be called "StructureNukeSilo" (or "launch facility" or however you want to name it) to emphasize, it's a real structure, not the nuke itself.
Also, range of 5 seems rather "low". I would like to see a (slightly) higher range with launch delays depending on the range.
Atm, the nuke cannot be place in the room via UI. Placing it via API works though.
Works for me. Have you refreshed the page after the update? Is there any error in the browser console and/or network connections?
Is the StructureNuke (with the 100k building costs) some kind of “silo” which has to load and launch the actual warheads (= permanent building) or is it a temporary “rocket” structure which dissapears once launched?
It is a permanent launcher structure with a cooldown for each launch.
Currently, nukes don't go off. Instead they receive a negative landing timer: https://screeps.com/ptr/#!/room/W13S11
Yes, fixed a minute ago.