Issue with creep.moveTo
I have a harvester module
module.exports = function(creep) { if( < creep.energyCapacity) { var sources =; creep.moveTo(sources[3]); creep.harvest(sources[3]); } else { creep.moveTo(Game.spawns.Spawn1); creep.transferEnergy(Game.spawns.Spawn1) } }
and I have a tower module
module.exports = function(creep,towerStart) { var enemy = creep.pos.findClosest(FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS); if(enemy) { creep.rangedAttack(enemy); } creep.moveTo(TowerStart, 32); }
But when I run both of them, my harvesters instead of harvesting materials, they movetTo the area where my towers are supposed to go and my towers do not move. It's not a problem with memory because if I take out that moveTo in the tower module both creep types work fine.
What does your main look like? At least the bit that calls these functions.
I think it were mentioned that the last moveTo specified is the one that affects the creep, so it sounds like the way you're matching towers is set up wrong somehow.
I don't know what your problem is. But maybe
shouldn't be capitalized at the beginning.
I figured out the problem
in main I put if(creep.memory.role = 'tower') instead of if(creep.memory.role == 'tower') i forgot to add a = sign to switch from an assignment operator to a logical equals operator. Thanks guys!