Is there any way to execute some function from console?

  • i have some function io my code

    function func()

    Is there some way to execute this function from console?

  • // Wrap function
    (function() {
    // Execute

    It's was a nice way to workaround some input in the console because it didn't like var blah = "Hellow" until I wrapped it in a function.

  • I mean I have some functions in my modules in my code and i want tot call these functions from console

  • Use require

    If the code in the module is exposed like

    module.exports = function() { myFunction; }


    function myFunction() {
    module.exports = {
        myFunction: myFunction

    You can use require('myModule')() or require('myModule').myFunction() to execute the code

  • Thank you thsi helps a lot

  • You can also access variables defined in your main module.

  • To expand a bit on TheNumberOne's answer, if you defined your function like

    func = function () {dosomethin}

    it will be accessible globally (which includes the console). This removes the need to require anything on the console. Note the lack of var, this is important. Both var func and function func limit the scope. If you want it to all hang out, don't dress it up 🙂

  • The scoping I posted about earlier no longer functions. sigh Time for a major rewrite of all my code.

  • I'm still using 1 global in my own code, not accessible anymore from console, but I'm hoping I can keep that global.

    (apparently changing the globals triggers a deoptimalization in the v8 chrome/node endinge, I hope it's not a big one...)